Alice Berg - Andrew Kimber - Bastian Traunfellner - Hilde van Mas - Joseph Sersin - Jonny Storey - Marta Bevacqua - Pascal Bräuer - The Masons

Breitling - Bucherer - Cro - Jiri Kalfar - Lynda Dawn - Pia Kristine Cruz - Sarah Posh - Steinmetz & Bundy

published in
ELLE Bulgaria - Elle Egypt - FLAUNT Magazine - L’Officiel Baltics - Man of Metropolis - NATAAL - Overdue Magazine - SCHÖN Magazine - TMRW Magazine - Vogue Italia

Exhibitions & Theater
May 2019 - 15 minutes of fame at Take Festival for Independent Fashion & Art
May 2023 - Austria for Life at the Imperial Palace of Schönbrunn



Fashion Stylist, Scout and Casting Director based in Paris

For any enquires please reach out to
